If I Had A Hammer for High Schools
Credentialed by NCCER

Ready to make learning fractions easy and help your students become proficient in reading a tape measure? We have the solution!
By partnering with If I Had A Hammer, NCCER high schools have FREE access to the HammerMath® and HammerBuild® programs along with online instructor training that makes implementation easy. Not only will these programs assist with math comprehension and student engagement, they can also help with recruiting middle schoolers into your construction programs.
If you currently do not offer an NCCER construction program and are interested in finding out how you can get started, click Learn More.

HammerMath works as a great supplement to two of the NCCER Core modules: Introduction to Construction Math and Introduction to Construction Drawings. It can be utilized while you are teaching the modules or as separate lessons. To make it as easy as possible, both approaches are outlined on the HammerMath learning platform. Either way, it will help your students better understand fractions, and therefore, become better at reading a tape measure. The online platform provides lessons and activities you can do with your students that incorporate a tool called the Big Inch and a contest where students get to design their dream homes.
Instructor Testimonials
Students gain true understanding about the physical space connected to numbers, patterns and measurement while simultaneously developing pre-algebraic thinking.

HammerBuild can be used with Carpentry Level One/General Carpentry classes. Instructors who sign up to utilize the program will receive the plans to build a HammerHouse Kit (materials not included) that can be put together to construct a small 11 ft. x 8 ft. house. By following the plans and building the HammerHouse Kit, your students will meet all of the required performance profiles in Carpentry Level One. In addition, the house can be assembled and disassembled multiple times to use on visits to middle schools to introduce the students to construction math and get them interested in your carpentry program. This is a great activity that can be completed in two hours with middle schoolers and also help your Carpentry students with their communication skills.
Ready to get started?
Click the Get Started button to get more information or begin the process.